WSO2 Identity Server

General Information

WSO2 Identity Server is a leading user digital identity management solution. WSO2, a fast-growing digital security corporation, developed the solution in compliance with the top standards in data security, and, with its aid, you will establish complete control over the sensitive areas of your activities. Identity Server is a solution for all your client identity and access management (CIAM) problems.

Complete Identity Management

In order to ensure the highest level of security, Identity Server uses the latest user identification, authentication, and access delegation protocols. Specifically, it supports OAuth 2.0, SAML, and Identity Federation: protocols used, among others, by Microsoft, Amazon, Google, and Twitter.

The full gamut of functionalities intended for easy and secure user identity management is built into the solution: SSO, role-based access, account recovery, forgotten password recovery, consent management, and many others.

By Developers, for Developers

One of the main selling points of WSO2 is transparency – the basic version of Identity Server is Open Source and fully functional as such. Openness and a broad community of developers are a guarantee of code quality. However, in order to ensure the highest degree of data security, WSO2 provides full support for developers to code new functionalities, as well as regular security updates.

Scalability and Broad Applicability

The solution’s architecture was developed with the greatest possible scalability and adaptability in mind, making it applicable to a large number of environments of varying size and configuration. WSO2 manages a comprehensive portfolio of SDKs, while also maintaining detailed documentation, so that developers can use Identity Server’s functionality in conjunction with various systems. Full configuration of critical user identity requirements takes only a few lines of code.


An Open Source Solution


Company to national level

User Orientation

A broad gamut of functionalities


Only the latest protocols